
494 Movie Reviews

139 w/ Responses

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Glad to see another flash from you...Anyways that was awesome great job on the animation.


That was amazing...The animation and special effects were very well done. Great job on the animation


Hahaha that was great a so very very true!

Wasn't the best but pretty funny

I am just going to judge each short:
AwesomeDug: Funny, it really brought up questions like why is a cherry underground. And how the guy can't see anything because of all the dirt infront of him.
Tetrawesome: Best out of the 3 it was funny and you wouldn't expect what happened at the end.
Awesome Rising: Worst out of the 3, wasn't funny and it should have been something dealing with photography and zombies. Not photography and pilot.

Truly and awesome sprite movie

That was hilarious although I was really confused about what happened in the second clip...Anyways they were awesome...I have a feeling this might turn out to be a 20 minute movie lol.

That waz the 1337

Another awesome Gamer Tonight animation...

Excellent Job, Keep it up


Review # 25

That was great...Just improve the art a bit and it will be perfect

A wizard created the heavens and the earth

Wow the animation was excellent smooth, art was awesome....I don't know what else to say, but it seemed perfect!

Hylian_Mafia gives it 1 and 8/9 thumbs up!

What a wonderful story, animation was awesome very smooth, art was good and even the "badly drawn" characters were drawn well. TomaMoto really brought the flash to live with his voice acting skill. The rap at the end was funny and it would be awesome if you created another TomaMoto story time segment.

FrozenFire responds:

Thanks Mr. Collabman :D

To much Changing

I would say that it was a decent flash the art was pretty good maybe instead of using the black lines use a dark form of the color you are using for the backgrounds. The character art was drawn pretty well just was annoying to see so many different versions of Dante in just one flash. Shading was good some parts you will have a peach color then the shade is near an peachy orange color it would look a bit nicer if it was a lighter shade.
Also voice-acting was ok, but it could have been much better.
In Devil May Cry 3 how Veril looks like Dante, but with his hair put back you should have just used Dante character because your Veril didn't look great you may try an use the same voice actor you did for Dante and let him voice Veril because they are twin brother. I am not going to complain about the Woohoo thing because that was how Dante was in DMC3 .

SiMpSoN-bRuVaS responds:

lolol ty for the review, good idea about using dante as vergil for part 3 ty dude

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