
494 Movie Reviews

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5 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Captain wants me to vote a 5!

Captain it seems I left my review in the tank. All I would like to say is amazing job. JohnnyUtah should be proud to have Tankman in 3D!

Wow true Tankman Parody

This really deserves to be in the Tankman collection too. This was completely amazing. This had everything Tankman has to offer, but with a bunch of things. You made fun of everything single tiny bit of Tankman. It was amazing!


The collab had a very unique twist with the who hits. Which made it more unique was that when you clicked on who hit it would go to another part created by another artist. The idea itself deserves alot of credit. I would cast my vote in for Luis having the best animated part and AlmightyHans having the most unique part. As for Dano...I'm sorry you had to experience the pain of playing with dolls...

AlmightyHans responds:

oh no, i'm sure dan had a lot of fun with playing with dolls. It probably brought back memories from when he was just a little boy :)


The ending was so unexpected. This was a really nice job best Pico submission so far.


The mission has be compromised...That was great and bringing in Linux made the flash a lot better. Awesome job!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Yeah, talking about linux is something nobody ever wants to do for some reason. I figured, if nothing else, the penguin would help it stand out from the other spoofs... thanks for the comment!

Chicken and Waffles

Chicken and Waffles, I take it you've watched Till Death. Anyways, this was a great sprite animation although I do like your Ganon's Kingdom on your website much better than this one.

Alvin-Earthworm meets the Matrix

This was amazing, it was really nice to see a Matrix animation. The sprite animation was amazing this was like Alvin-Earthworm spriting the Matrix. Awesome Job!

LeviFolds responds:

Haha, thank you my friend.


This was animated and drawn very well really enjoyed it. The ending just made me laugh so hard. I am still wonder how Malon got the ______ in there.

Oh god....

Well I wasn't fan of the first and still not a fan of the second one, but I actually thought this one was decent. The beginning of the animation was really funny, but then everything started to die down after the Banana Song and just completely unhooked me from the movie. You had an excellent beginning, but then you just butchered the movie after the banana song because nothing great or funny happened after the song. The animation did improve from the first one, but barely. You could have WOWed everyone with amazing art, but no instead we get 2005 Charlie graphics. I say improve on the art and put more animation into the movie and it will be amazing.

Is the killer Canadian?

Amazing work, the art was superb and the animation was smooth and unique. Love your animation and art style glad to see it still hasn't disappointed me. I would have to say I enjoyed Part 2 more than One. Keep on Truckin'

Age 33, Male


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