
494 Movie Reviews

139 w/ Responses

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Ok, the animation was really smooth and pretty cool like with the pool scene. The song was ok, but the animation was pretty awesome and made the overall quality extremely better. Although I really liked the no outline style you used in the animation.

Laughing Out AWESOME!!!

This movie was extremely well written as well as voiced. The voice acting was amazing and the script was very humorous, it is also nice to see advertisement in animations. Now I know you talked about time constraints, but it wasn't animated which this would have been much better if it was animated.

ImpendingRiot responds:

Thanks, but I think that goes without saying with the animation

Not Bad

I rather liked it would have been better if it was a pixelated Frog, but who gives a damn nice work!


See this is reason, why I waited in-line on Launch to get the Wii because this would happen Wiis being sold out. Awesome work on the animation.

Very nice

The art in the movie was pretty good really enjoyed it and it was nice to see someone take on the Mario RPG storyline. The movie was extremely enjoyable and the ending was great.

Wait, this was a flash?

Why do you constantly want to release these movies onto Newgrounds they don't have any bit of animation in them. This is the worst out of the three. Yeah I usally write huge reviews calling you a Jackass and stuff, but it just gets old. So I am here to give you suggestions.
Camera angles were horrible try to make it more suspenseful and dramatic which I think that was the approach you were going for. It would be better if you had some heartbeat soundfx instead of moaning because the moaning took away the suspense. If you are going to release this on Newgrounds(which you always do) then add some special effects in Flash so atleast it has some Flash qualities.


Nicely Done.

The animation was overall more than decent. Nicely Done


Come on Ram Me! Rahhh

Loved it, So the guy in the bandages is the one who shouts "I am a Dad" and of course the rebellious teen is Skittles the Sharpshooter. Well written this was pretty amazing and I am extremely amazed that there wasn't a bunch of cussing in it!

OverRated by the Agreeing Public

Yeah, this movie was overrated, but mainly due to the reason that everyone else agrees with you and I agree with you too. I was extremely pissed about that and I too was going to create a flash to vent my anger, but decided not to and just made a entire page comic about it at school. Anyways I found out while writing this review that you animated this I didn't realize you made the animator because of your new style of drawing and I have to tell you that the sound effects were truly phenomenal! I think this is the longest review I have ever written. Happy Animating!


Jimtopia responds:

Yeah, a tablet will do that to ya, be expecting to see more characters like him (but more thoroughly drawn and colored of course) in the future!

Age 33, Male


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