That was a great flash.....I can tell you guys probably like Kirby more than anyone else!!! and when Raiden enters at teh end lol....great job with the animation!!
That was a great flash.....I can tell you guys probably like Kirby more than anyone else!!! and when Raiden enters at teh end lol....great job with the animation!!
This is a great first movie Good job to Tom and Dim....I love how you give credit to everything even the flavor of lays you guys are truly one of the best animators of all time!!!
Glad to see another Ark & Kerrigan movie
The movie had so much meaning even though the only sound was the music...Funny enjoyable Great work..
That was truly amazing the action, Humor, the ending song that actual set the mood in the movie......I always did wonder that the oranges looked like something, but I didn't know what!
Wow I never seen such goo anime in Zelda for a flash...This is a very good start to the series hope to see alot more in the future! =)
Should have been Longer
I wish it was longer, but it had good humor and I was hopeing for links master plan to go into action and work, but too bad!
This is your best flash ever!!! It is an alternative story to Ganondorf...Link getting worked up about Ganondorf returning to Hyrule! When I first saw this I though it would be a Violent fighting movie and when I watch it....Hands down one of the funniest comedy flashes....Good Job
Who would have known
That would be oddly creepy if that ever happened...
Link: Zelda what are you doing in Kokiri Forest...
Zelda: Nothing...(panics looks around)
Saria: Wasn't that fun
Link: WHAT!!!
I played this thing over and over it very short,but makes you laugh so hard...Great job!
I loved this flash...My friend says this is the only flash he truely loves although he hates Flash animation...To badd you aren't going to make a second one,but it took a lot of work so I understand!
Age 34, Male
Joined on 4/13/06